Stock Ticker Orbital Comparison chart 

STOC is an attempt to visualize every stock on the Nasdaq exchange, with six data points for each stock. It began as an idea during a college course but quickly became my entire focus for the class. A year later, this data visualization earned me an invitation to Siggraph. Since then, I have made custom versions for several clients, and even now I continue to make improvements as necessary.

STOC 2009

STOC 2013

Things to know before running STOC:

  • The ? symbol in the bottom left corner provides labels for all function buttons. The red “expand” next to settings can help with additional options.
  • The data included in this model is from 2014, therefore it is now out of date and not appropriate for making stock market decisions.
  • The model is processor heavy. If your hardware cannot sustain it, please use the in-model filters to reduce the number of displayed stocks.
  • The model is optimized for touchscreen controls, but mouse-and-keyboard controls are appropriate.

STOC is still a work in progress. It may always be a work in progress, as a model this large and with this much data can always be optimized. If you are interested in applying such a model to a data set, contact me: james at uniformchaos dot org.

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